Super clara headlampFlashlight utitur duxit et MANNUS cum CCC lumen trabem wide varietate Alba & Rubrum & Blue & Green Lux modi, qui statim illuminet in circuitu in tenebris elit. Potest obviam omnibus vestris velit lucendi necessitates.
MotusSensor Rechargeable Headlampcan switch between LED white light high-LED white light low-long press to be red-blue-green, COB white light high-COB white light low-COB red light on-COB red light flash, which is suitable for running, camping, cycling, fishing and climbing. Luxi alba et MANNUS candida lumen potest switched cum fluctus manus in fronte quia motus sensoriis constructum.
Sensorem Switch calces: Lux albus lux sensorem, Cob album lux sensorem
DUXERIT SWITCH Gears: primo calces fortis alba lux, secundi calces infirma albus lux, diu torcular clavis calces positiones sunt: rubrum lux, hyacintho lux, viridi lux
MANNUS SWITCH POST SIT PRIMUS Gear Falsit White Lux MANNUS, secundus calces infirma alba lux MANNUS, tertium calces rubrum lux MANUS, quarta calces rubrum lux Cob rumore
Inmanus, liberum headlamptantum pondus 88g, comfortable et lightweight. Et lucerna capitis potest esse rotentur LX ° et arcte fixum ad vitare excutiens et illapsum cum currit. Caput flashlight utitur comfortable elastica pulveris, quae facile adjust in longitudinem perfecte fit caput magnitudine perfecte adultis et haedos.
Maximus munus est magnes et hamo in headlamp potest esse in castra lux ad hamo, tentorium sub Trees.and non potest esse opus lucem ad magnes cum reficere potest esse opus lucem ad usum magnes et reficiendis ad currus vel operantes.
Si vos have ullus questions, quaeso mitte nos an email, nos mos respondeo in XXIV horas.